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Brightly® is the first cooperative franchise system in the United States that removes the traditional model’s barriers, including large fees (i.e. upwards of $60,000 for a cleaning franchise in NYC), complex contract language, and consolidated profits. Brightly is an officially registered franchise in New York. Launched in 2019, the Brightly franchise gives all franchisees access to:

  • Brightly’s brand and marketing materials
  • Brightly’s Operations Manual, including cleaning industry, customer service, marketing and business operating systems and protocols
  • Training and technical assistance to support startup and growth of the cooperatives – in partnership with local business technical assistance providers, Brightly trainers, and cooperative development experts
  • Workers’ rights and cooperative movement support
  • Potential connection to a cooperative platform for booking residential and commercial cleaning services from worker cooperatives. If conditions are adequate to expand this platform, it will be part of the expansion to your local community.
  • Access to Brightly’s industry committee where cooperatives share ideas, best practices and make proposals for quality standards and business-related activities.

The Brightly franchise is structured as follows: there is a central entity in charge of the Brand R&D, Industry Trainings, Systems Development, Franchise Compliance and Financial Management. It is governed by a Board of Directors made up of cooperative business allies and worker-owners, which is directly linked to an Industry Committee with representation from all Brightly cooperatives. Brightly® cooperatives pay the franchisor a 5% monthly royalty fee on gross sales to sustain the franchise system. Learn more

Watch the Brightly® Franchise Model Webinar here.
Does your city have the potential market for Brightly cooperatives? Using a framework developed by PennPac, we ask that you fill out the following scorecard for your city, utilizing the proposed methodology for each area. We want to assess 5 factors in this initial phase. If we determine that your city has a high probability of success, we would then continue with more in-depth research. If you have additional information for each section, please feel free to include it.
If you fulfilled the specifications required, please fill out your scorecard and send it to If we determine that your city has a high probability of success, we would then continue with more in-depth research.